January 2025

January 1, Scouting for Chukar

Conditions: Early afternoon - recent heavy snow with over 6 inches on the ground. Cloud cover and light continuous snow, temperature at around 30 degrees.

Notes: I spent the majority of New Year’s Day making my way to a rumored hot spring way back in the mountains - a mission that amounted to three hours of driving - one way - thanks to the foot of fresh snow. The same snow, however, gave cause to the elusive chukar to let down his guard and hangout nearer the road. The birds obviously popped to the naked eye against the fresh white backdrop. I counted over 100 birds in the time I wasn’t white knuckle focused on the road. I got out to flush 3 separate coveys with my 20ga, killing none but slipping and falling several times. I found the bird’s tracks extremely distinctive in the fresh snow. This was my first time seeing a wild chukar up close - it affirmed to me that the birds are here, and they are huntable.

January 4, First Chukar

Conditions: Noon time. The previous snowstorm has melted, snow only clings to the top third of the mountain. No wind. Partially cloudy and a comfortable 40 degrees.

Notes: I spent the first outing on a trail and then traversing back behind the main set of slopes with no success. I spent my second outing hiking up a third of the main slope’s height to find an old overgrown access road. After half an hour of walking this road, I busted a covey of chukar in a fold in the mountain, missing all. I was following up on where I saw a trio land (back across the ravine, a 30 minute hike away) when I flushed an unexpected single. The bird flushed only 5 yards from me, swinging to my right. I downed him at 5 o’clock and 20 yards. Unfortunately I lost bird later on an overhead passing shot - the birds were spooked by a helicopter and flew all about. In total I saw about 150 birds, I flushed or re-flushed about 50 birds, killed two, and claimed one.

January 11 & 12, Chukar with Chase

Conditions: mid day, some clouds with no wind and in the low thirties. A light snow covers the top third of the mountain.

Notes: Itching to get after more chukar, I borrow my dad’s Brittany named Chase for the weekend and got out for a short hunt on both days. We amateurishly wild flushed and bumped many birds, but we somehow manage to collect two for the game bag.

I put together this short video to document the experience.

January 18 & 19, Chukar with Chase


