Dplyr - Group By Function

A bit more tricky, the group_by() function allows for custom aggregation in order to make other dplyr functions even more powerful.


Group By

summarize() becomes extremely useful when paired with the final primary dplyr function, group_by(). group_by() changes the unit of analysis from the complete dataset to an individual group, thus changing the scope of summarize. In the above example, the flights dataset is grouped by the dest variable, destination. Grouping by destination by itself does nothing to the data frame, so the then pipe, %>%, is used to push the output to the summarize() function. Summarize first creates a count variable that is equivalent to the function n(). n() is another one of those secondary dplyr functions that often comes in handy; n() is a function that finds the number of observations in the current group. Next, summarize() creates a variable named distance based off the mean distance travelled by each observation, as grouped by destination. Finally, summarize() creates a variable named delay, based off the mean arrival delay each observation experienced, as grouped by destination. The resulting data frame gives excellent insight into each of the 105 destinations present in the flights dataset.

group_by(flights, dest) %>%                       
  summarize(count = n(),                          
            dist = mean(distance, na.rm = TRUE),  
            delay = mean(arr_delay, na.rm = TRUE) 

## # A tibble: 105 x 4
##    dest  count  dist delay
##    <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 ABQ     254 1826   4.38
##  2 ACK     265  199   4.85
##  3 ALB     439  143  14.4 
##  4 ANC       8 3370  -2.5 
##  5 ATL   17215  757. 11.3 
##  6 AUS    2439 1514.  6.02
##  7 AVL     275  584.  8.00
##  8 BDL     443  116   7.05
##  9 BGR     375  378   8.03
## 10 BHM     297  866. 16.9 
## # … with 95 more rows

Really take a look into group_by(), often it’s your data wrangling solution, and you didn’t even know it!

- Fisher
